Thursday, September 12, 2024

At the crossroads of the world

Gander Airport in the early years (photo credit Library and Archives Canada)

On yet another recommendation by a local, we stopped at the Gander International Airport. The woman said we had to check out the International Departures Lounge, and make sure to visit the washrooms, too.


The airport was opened in 1938, and by the 1950’s it was one of the busiest international airports in the world, and known as ‘the crossroads of the world’. Why, you ask? In those days, non-stop transatlantic flights did not exist. Airplanes needed to refuel, and the international airport in Gander was the perfect refuelling location. So, anyone who was anyone has been to Gander - or at least the Gander International Airport. Marilyn Monroe, Clarke Gable, Jimmy Stewart, Mohammed Ali, Einstein, and even Fidel Castro - they have all flown in and out of Gander.

And the bathrooms? I sat in the same spot where Queen Elizabeth II sat to powder her nose in the women’s washroom when she came to open the international terminal building in 1959. Apparently there is a similar “Frank Sinatra was here” sign in the men’s room, though I didn’t sneak in to check.

Queen Elizabeth II sat here!

The main floor of the departures lounge is a throwback to the era when travel was still new and exotic. Although the passenger benches and chairs are new, the architecture, the travertine floors, and even the modernist clocks on the wall are all original.

Original decor in the International Departures Lounge

The upper floor has been made into a museum of sorts, depicting the history of the airport and filled with photos and paraphernalia related to the high times of flight.

Oh, and did I mention the only movie theatre in town is in the Gander International Airport Departures Lounge?

A day trip to the airport? I never expected it would be so fascinating!

It seems neither D nor I bothered to take many photos, so sadly, you’ll have to take my word for it. Or visit the airport yourself. If you’re flying, you will have to arrange a special layover, since transatlantic flights no longer require a stop in Gander to refuel.

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