Monday, June 10, 2024

The Great Adventure

Many, many months ago, we hatched a plan to embark on an exciting adventure. Our idea was to drive our RV across Canada to Newfoundland. Newfoundland has for years been a place I've wanted to visit - in part with thanks to those hauntingly beautiful Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism commercials that, for the past several year, have welcomely interrupted my favourite TV shows. (And of course the quilts in the commercial linked below were the clincher for me.)

With a little planning, we are now on our way, expecting we may be on the road for as long as a year (much to the surprise of many who know us). Although we do have a general trip plan for the first part of the adventure, we are excited by the idea of straying off the main route to find unique, off-the-beaten-path locations and scenic sites. We are not tied down to a schedule, the "If it's Tuesday we must be in Moose Jaw," kind of thing. Nope. We are footloose and fancy free. And quite looking forward to what lies ahead.

I hope you will follow along as we make our way across this beautiful country, discovering new places, new people, and new adventures.

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