Monday, June 10, 2024

Off to a Great Start!


Note: I am almost two weeks behind on blog posts.

The adventure begins (at the end of May) and the first stop on our adventure was Osoyoos, BC. Actually, our first stop was at the Twisted Hills Craft Cidery in Keremeos to stock up on cider for me, THEN we made our way to Nk'Mip RV Campground in Osoyoos for the LTV Western Sunsetters 2024 rally, now known as Winkler West. (More on that another day).

D and I were co-organizers of this year's event. When we attended our first LTV rally last year at Seal Bay on Vancouver Island, there were 53 vans, and about 100 people. We had such a good time that D agreed to help organize the next one. This year, we expected a similar number of vans to register, but almost doubled it! With 102 vans and close to 200 people, it was quite the party! Met some wonderful people and learned a lot about the LTV cult(ure).

Some additional highlights of our stay at Osoyoos:

Dinner at The Bear, The Fish, The Root and The Berry - unique indigenous cuisine, and one of the best meals D and I have ever had! The bison was melt-in-your-mouth amazing. If you have the opportunity to visit Osoyoos any time soon, you really MUST try this restaurant.

Desert Cultural Centre at Nk'Mip - we had arranged a guided tour for rally attendees, and were able to take some time off rally 'work' to visit the cultural centre for a tour ourselves. I think both D and I have honest ideas about indigenous peoples in Canada, but I came away with a new understanding of the culture, and the effects that colonization had on indigenous people and their culture. And I learned a bit about the local plants and their uses, too!

At the entrance to the campground, there is a paddock with horses used for guided trail rides. As we walked by on our way to the cultural centre, we couldn't help but laugh at the sight we found. I'll let you make up your own caption for this image!

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