Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Boat building basics


As we made our way towards Newfoundland, we passed through Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia. (I just love saying that name!) I made D stop so I could take pictures of the barn quilts on the storefronts, and the cute little tourist train that takes people from one end of town to the other.

Barn quilts everywhere!

We decided to spend a bit of time wandering through the town, and came upon the Tatamagouche Creamery Square Heritage Centre. D was not interested in going through the museum, but was instantly drawn into the boatshop, where they teach students to make wood-framed canoes. By the end of our nearly hour-long visit, we had learned almost as much as the students about how to build a wood-frame canoe, and Drew was nearly roped into volunteering!

One of the instructors, giving us a tour of the boatshop

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