Wednesday, August 28, 2024

St. John's, you deserve more than that


A view of St. John's and the harbour from Signal Hill

Although St. John’s was on our list of places to visit in Newfoundland, our main reason to make the trip to the capital and largest city in NL was to get new tires on the RV. After driving some rough roads, one of our tires had developed an odd wobble and needed to be replaced. Of course, the only tires available to fit the RV were in St. John’s. 

Once we got that out of the way, we stayed a couple extra days to see the sights. Well, admittedly, we only saw two sights. We did not visit the quaint fishing village of Quidi Vidi, we did not go to Bowring Park, or the Cape Spear Lighthouse, or visit the bars and pubs on George Street.

We did however drive the winding road through the Battery up to Signal Hill, and we did wander the criss-crossing streets (passing colourful jellybean row houses) on our way to The Rooms. We toured the visitor centre at Signal Hill and then hiked to the top for the traditional firing of the noon-day cannon. And we spent an entire day walking through The Rooms – Newfoundland and Labrador’s largest museum and art gallery.

Training day for the Signal Hill Tattoo

Cape Spear from Signal Hill

Firing of the noon-day cannon at Signal Hill

Colourful jellybean rowhouses of St. John's

Inside The Rooms

That was enough of St. John’s. We were too exhausted to see any more, so we left the rest for our next visit to the island.

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