Saturday, August 10, 2024

Our first bit of drama(tic)

Driving along the Port au Port Peninsula

I’d heard about the Port au Port Peninsula, a lovely coastal drive along the southwest coast of Newfoundland, just outside of Stephenville. We decided to take the short, one-hour drive to Cape St. George to spend the night at the campground right on the cape.

Sunset at Cape St. George

The views along the coast certainly did not disappoint! Tiny villages hugging the seaside cliffs, crashing blue waves, and soaring birds – seagulls, northern gannets, and kittiwakes – made for dramatic scenes. Even a wedding photo shoot!

Dramatic scenery makes for a beautiful backdrop

Although windy (gusts of over 40km/hr!), our camping spot was right on the edge the cliff overlooking St. Georges Bay – it could not have been any better!

Now that's a camping spot!

A drone's-eye view of Cape St. George and the bay

The next day, after a late breakfast at Tea by the Sea that included Toutons (another post, another day) we completed the circle of Port au Port, stopping along the way at a relatively unknown geological site called Folded Rocks. We found it rather odd that something so significant was only mentioned on a couple websites, and there was absolutely no signage on the road to indicate the location. I’m so glad we found it, thanks to Bob!

The Folded Rocks, with our friend Steve for size comparison

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